Zeynab Jalalian, Kurdish female political prisoner, urges Iranians to stay home and not vote in the regime’s sham election

Re-post from Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign

Zeynab Jalalian, a Kurdish female political activist, was sentenced to death for membership of PJAK (a Kurdish opposition organisation) and being a mohareb (‘an enemy of God’).  Ms. Jalalian was a lawyer living in Maku, West Azerbaijan province (north-western Iran), when she was arrested in February 2008. She was sentenced to death in December 2008 after a trial held behind closed doors and lasting just a few minutes. Since her arrest Ms. Jalalian has been tortured and beaten many times, denied medical attention and visits, and moved to prisons far from her family.

The following is a message from Zeynab Jalalian posted on several Telegram channels on June 19th 2024.

I am Zeynab! Zeynab Jalalian, a militant Kurdish woman who for 16 years – no! let me be more precise, for 16 years and 4 days – has been behind bars. I have been behind bars for sixteen years because of [demanding] the freedom and rights of the people of my country.

After 16 years of captivity for merely [demanding] freedom, I want to ask you, the people of my land, for one thing. As in previous years, don’t go to the polling booths.

Translation: Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign
Sources: Telegram.

See also: Zeynab Jalalian: Kurdish female activist jailed indefinitely
Zeynab Jalalian: female Kurdish activist contracts Coronavirus in jail

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